Trucks We Finance
Find some of the many trucks we finance at Jade Truck Loans your commercial specialist in heavy vehicle transport finance for Australia
Just some of the lenders we work with

Crane Truck Lending
Cranes dominate the skyline of Australia’s major cities, a good sign that the construction industry is active and a constant reminder of the specialist role of crane trucks across many sectors. Such specialist trucks require specialist finance and Jade Truck Loans is the specialist when it comes to crane truck loans and finance.
Refrigerated Truck Financing
At Jade Truck Loans, we fully understand that refrigerated truck operators are under a lot of pressure. Especially pressure from their customers to deliver their load in good condition. Deliveries which must meet critical schedules.
Car Carrier Heavy Vehicle Loan
Being entrusted to transport valuable motor vehicles, coast to coast, city to city, docks to warehouse is quite a distinction. The team at Jade Truck Loans greatly respect the operators and drivers of car carrier trucks for the skill and care they exhibit, day after day in testing traffic conditions.
Livestock Heavy Vehicle & Trailers
The livestock transport sector is some ways, quite diverse. At one extreme, livestock truck operators are transporting livestock from drought-stricken farms and regions to market or to areas where feed is available. For this sector, costs are a major concern. At the other end of spectrum, equine stock transport operators are moving high-value thoroughbred horses to and from stables, spelling properties, race courses.
Tilt Tray Finance
The towing, vehicle recovery and vehicle transport business can be a very attractive opportunity for many people and offer a lucrative return. But smart operators don’t leave the outcomes to chance. They ensure they secure the best loan deal available when purchasing their tilt tray truck. Depending on how busy your area of operation, securing a great finance deal can be essential to business success.
Pantech Heavy Vehicle Loan
Pantec, Pantech or Pantac, whatever you name you prefer, these are the vehicles that really keep the economy moving. The workhorse of the transport industry, moving just about everything and anything across the country, through the states, around regional areas and major towns and cities.
Pallet Trucks Financing
Pallet trucks are the essential link in the supply chain for many industries. The truck that ensures goods are transported from manufacturer through to the wholesaler, onto the retail outlet and into the hands of consumers and businesses.
Curtainsider Finance
Curtainsider trucks keep the goods moving around the country and when it comes to arranging finance on the purchase of a curtainsider truck, Jade Truck Loans keep the process moving you’re your initial call through the completion of the purchase.
Heavy Rigid Heavy Vehicles
Remaining profitable and achieving business growth in an increasingly challenging economic environment is a major concern for most businesses especially heavy rigid truck owners in the transport industry. Fuel costs, rising insurance fees, increased regulatory compliance, tight customer schedules, traffic congestion, cost of toll roads – all place demands on your time and your bottom line.
Semi and Prime Mover Finance
The purchase of a semi or prime mover, new or even second-hand, is a major business investment. Factor in the increasing cost pressures on the transport industry and getting a good deal on both the purchase price and the finance, is essential.
Tipper and Dump Truck Finance
Active across the nation, an essential vehicle to keep the work sites operating smoothly, tipper truck and dump truck operators are busy people and Jade Truck Loans will keep you on schedule with a great truck finance package.
Concrete Truck Finance
With governments at all levels investing heavily in infrastructure projects to boost the economy and private development and construction steady, are positive signs for concrete truck operators. But more work brings more wear and tear on your vehicle and maybe you’re thinking of replacing or upgrading to a newer model.